• Colombia - Wilton Benitez - Caturra - Natural Process
  • Colombia - Wilton Benitez - Caturra - Natural Process

Colombia - Wilton Benitez - Caturra - Natural Process

Regular price $34.95

It's no exaggeration to say that Wilton Benitez's coffee is legendary. Granja Paraiso's processing has radically challenged the industry consensus on the possible effects of fermentation on coffee's flavour. Evidence for this is abundantly clear in this lot; which takes the Caturra variety, often considered 'boring' and one of Colombia's most common, and converts it into something truly remarkable. When we tasted this coffee for the first time; multiple cuppers had mango written on their sheets, it was screaming off the table. We knew we had to buy it.

Hopefully, you'll enjoy this coffee as much as we do.


Farm - Granja Paraiso

Region - Cauca/Colombia

Varietal - Caturra

Processing - Natural

Tasting Notes - Sweet, Mango, Juicy

Recommended Brewing Recipe:

  • Espresso: 20g to 48g in 28 seconds
  • V60: 20g to 340g in 3:30 minutes
  • Tricolate: 20g to 400g in 4:30 minutes